Archive for February, 2010

February 14, 2010

I have all networks except YouTube connected with ping

Stop the Signs

February 14, 2010

I should have a blog, so now I have one. I hope to use this space for ultimate good, although I reserve the right to editorialize. My blogs are not necessarily representattive of my employer, the Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce.

Over the last year or so, the Chamber has introduced several strategies to combat illegal signage in northwest Harris County. We have had two meetings with the then asst. district attorney reponsible for enforcement. Our strategy was to photograph illegal signs, being sure to document and capture in the photo the exact location and then email it to the asst attorney. This resulted in about a dozen active cases. Many of these have incurred fines, but the illegal posting of signs has continued. The word is not out yet on the street.

The key link for us was transferred to a new area in the County Attorney’s office and we have to establish a new relationship with our new liaison. In the meantime, the Chamber has collected a list of the citizens who took the Constable’s “Bandit Sign Training’ in 2008. We only have contact numbers for a few of them, so we hope others will surface and be willing to join our effort.

We seek a champion for this effort, but in the meantime, we move forward with this team of bandit sign zealots to curtail this problem. They do nothing to enhance the aesthetics or value of our community.