Bandit Signs Everywhere

Just in the last 2 weeks, the number of bandit signs has proliferated around the FM 1960 area. I phoned one violator today and he indicated that he was from out of state and was not aware of the law. He said that since everyone else was posting signs in the right of way, he assumed it was OK.

These illegal signs are like grafitti…if you leave it, it multiplies. Any citizen can pick up a throw away a sign in the right of way. If you are unsure of the legalities, email the Chamber and when enough caring citizens respond, we will request a bandit sign class to train bandit sign rangers. Just email

To state it simply, the law prohibits any sign, other than those authorized by a government authority, to be placed in the right of way. The penalty when prosecuted is $500 per day per sign. This will add up quickly! While signs placed by candidates are allowed on private property with the owner’s permission, even campaign signs are not allowed in the right of way. Please candidates, pick up your signs now that the elections are over for now.

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